Pieter Oosterhuis: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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"In addition to these tourist photographs, Oosterhuis worked on engineering assignments from the central government. During more than twenty years he photographed nationwide the modern landscape and geometric forms of railways, railway bridges, station buildings, canals, locks, and docks under construction. He developed a vocabulary for these landscapes which bears a striking resemblance to French, British, or even Russian engineering photographs of the period. By his contemporaries he was esteemed the first among the Dutch landscape artists."<ref>Zitiert aus: John Hannavy: "Encyclopedia of Nineteenth-Century Photography", New York 2008, Routledge (2 Bände), ISBN 978-0-415-97235-2</ref>
"In addition to these tourist photographs, Oosterhuis worked on engineering assignments from the central government. During more than twenty years he photographed nationwide the modern landscape and geometric forms of railways, railway bridges, station buildings, canals, locks, and docks under construction. He developed a vocabulary for these landscapes which bears a striking resemblance to French, British, or even Russian engineering photographs of the period. By his contemporaries he was esteemed the first among the Dutch landscape artists."<ref>Zitiert aus: John Hannavy: "Encyclopedia of Nineteenth-Century Photography", New York 2008, Routledge (2 Bände), ISBN 978-0-415-97235-2</ref>
Ausst.Kat. "In relatie tot Van Gogh , Fotografie van tijdgenoten", Amsterdam 1990, ISBN 90-5006-044-7
"Pieter Oosterhuis. 1816-1885", Amsterdam 1993, Fragment, Band 3 der Reihe "Monografieën van Nederlandse fotografen"
"Pieter Oosterhuis. 1816-1885", Amsterdam 1993, Fragment, Band 3 der Reihe "Monografieën van Nederlandse fotografen"

Aktuelle Version vom 21. Mai 2015, 16:12 Uhr

Fotograf, Maler, Litograf

Lebensdaten[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

( Groningen / Niederlande 20.01.1816 - 08.06.1885 Amsterdam / Niederlande )

Werdegang[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Ausbildung in Malerei und Zeichnen durch seinen Vater, den Maler Haatje Pieter Oosterhuis

1851 Gründung eines Fotoateliers in Amsterdam

1858 Geburt des Sohnes Gustaaf Oosterhuis, der das Geschäft nach dem Tod des Vaters 1885 weiterführt

1857-1865 Zusammenarbeit mit dem Buchhändler und Verleger A. Hunter, Spezialisierung auf Stadtlandschaften

1864-1866 Zusammenarbeit mit dem Fotografen Niekerk in einem gemeinsamen Atelier

1872-1880 Schatzmeister der "Amsterdamsche Photographen Vereeniging"

"In addition to these tourist photographs, Oosterhuis worked on engineering assignments from the central government. During more than twenty years he photographed nationwide the modern landscape and geometric forms of railways, railway bridges, station buildings, canals, locks, and docks under construction. He developed a vocabulary for these landscapes which bears a striking resemblance to French, British, or even Russian engineering photographs of the period. By his contemporaries he was esteemed the first among the Dutch landscape artists."[1]

Literatur[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Ausst.Kat. "In relatie tot Van Gogh , Fotografie van tijdgenoten", Amsterdam 1990, ISBN 90-5006-044-7

"Pieter Oosterhuis. 1816-1885", Amsterdam 1993, Fragment, Band 3 der Reihe "Monografieën van Nederlandse fotografen"

John Hannavy: "Encyclopedia of Nineteenth-Century Photography", New York 2008, Routledge (2 Bände), ISBN 978-0-415-97235-2

Quelle[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

"Pieter Oosterhuis. 1816-1885", Amsterdam 1993, Fragment, Band 3 der Reihe "Monografieën van Nederlandse fotografen"

  1. Zitiert aus: John Hannavy: "Encyclopedia of Nineteenth-Century Photography", New York 2008, Routledge (2 Bände), ISBN 978-0-415-97235-2

Weiterführende Informationen[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

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