Marcus Sparling

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(Irland 1826 - 19.08.1860 Liverpool / England)


voller Name Marcus Fitzell Sparling, Name auch : W. Sparling oder N. M. Sparling

1846-1853 militärische Karriere bei den 4th Light Dragoon Guards

frühes Mitglied der Photographic Society of London

Assistent von Roger Fenton , u.a. während des Krimkriegs

"... he was living at Fenton’s address by the end of 1853, giving his occupation as ‘chemist,’ and presumably already employed as his assistant. He accompanied Fenton on his autumn photographic journey to Yorkshire, and in 1855 he worked as his assistant in the Crimea." [1]


W. Sparling: "Theory and Practice of the Photographic Art", London 1856, Houlston and Stoneman, Neuausgabe von 1973 bei Ayer Co. Publishing, ISBN 0405049420

Zeitschrift: "Camera 12/1972", Luzern 1972, C. J. Bucher

John Hannavy: "Encyclopedia of Nineteenth-Century Photography", New York 2008, Routledge (2 Bände), ISBN 978-0-415-97235-2

Normdaten (Person): GND: 141721308


  1. Zitiert aus: John Hannavy: "Encyclopedia of Nineteenth-Century Photography", New York 2008, Routledge (2 Bände), ISBN 978-0-415-97235-2